Following one new line

Having in the wood its only source of raw materials, the Doorlux® s.r.l. has always invested important resources in the reforestation and in the respect of the nature in general; for this reason it has developed the biological door, entirely dedicated to the respect for the environment and for the health, it has been a stimulating way that has already given important results and that has led to the creation of its own patent, brand and seal of guarantee of the product: a further testimony of quality for its own customers.

The true priority of the building construction nowadays is to contain the environmental impact.

The materials used by the Doorlux® s.r.l. are reusable and their production involves a low energetic budget.
These materials own high insulating and thermoacoustic characteristics, permeability to the vapour and have transpirable qualities, they do not alter the electromagnetic field of the air and the Earth's magnetic field, they are insect and rodentproof, so that they are indestructible in the long run.